Ouça A Part Of Me, musica demo de Nicole Scherzinger.
Nesse sábado, a música "A Part Of Me" acabou vazando na internet, a música era pra estar na versão USA do album Killer Love. A musica tem uma letra forte, e uma batida que lembram bastante as musicas que já estavam no album. Ouça a música abaixo, e nos dê a sua opinião.
This Saturday, the song "A Part Of Me" leaked on the internet, the music was supposed to be on the USA version of the album Killer Love. The music has a strong lyrics and a beat that closely resemble the songs that were already on the album. Listen to the song below and give us your opinion.
2 Comentários / Comment
@xhris1983 beautiful song as everything she sing... i hope someday youll post it to download.. thanks